2022 Reflections: Mid-life crisis,
stress, and achieving goals
I turned 60 a couple of weeks ago and I guess you could say I'm going through my 2nd mid-life crisis (the last one was when I turned 40). Funny thing is I actually feel fitter, healthier and stronger with less stress than I did 20 years ago.

In 2002 I was building my 2nd Construction Business, I'd been happily married to Melissa for 13 years, my 3 boys were 2, 4 and 7. I'd just started coaching soccer, had been mountain biking on the North Shore a couple of times a week with my mates for the past 10 years, regularly attended Church, when we weren't off camping or skiing. Doing house renovations on our 1910 heritage home in New Westminster on the weekends and Melissa and I were still going on international trips every year, even with 3 young boys in tow.
Today as an Executive Business Coach and Leader of Peer Groups for Business Owners, Leaders, Emerging Leaders and Trusted Advisors, I have virtually no stress in my life. After 33 years Melissa and I are still going on multi week trips every year often visiting several new countries. We have another 1910 heritage home in E. Van just off Commercial Dr. and I'm back doing renovations again with repairs, plus energy and appliance upgrades. Melissa is an Interior Designer and is keen to see us move onto actual renovations. I completed multiple trips with my 22, 24, and 27 year old boys, from hiking to bikepacking to skiing and travelling. I'm still going on regular adventures; gravel biking on multi day trips and climbing peaks generally solo, plus front and back-country skiing and snowshoeing, canoeing and SUPing.
Life is Good and I have many things to be thankful for including my; health, family, friends, colleagues, team and clients. For without all of you my life would not be what it is today, truly amazing. Thank you.

This year one of my goals was to read a book a month, and they can be broken down into 3 categories just like my annual One Page Plan: Personal, Health & Wellness, and Business.
Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari, following along from Sapiens in his earlier book, Yuval explores the future of Homo Sapiens with the integration of technology into our bodies and builds on our religious heavy past with the analogies between our past and the future. Essentially, the rich will live forever and the rest of us...?! Read it to find out.
Wilderness Essays by John Muir, the story of John Muir and his passion for the outdoors, his time spent in Alaska and the Yosemite and how through his travels, stories and essays he opened up the North and the West of the US to regular people to go explore and see the amazing animals and natural beauty. This led to the establishment of some of the very first National Parks in America.
Stay Interesting by Jonathan Goldsmith, the man who played the "World Most Interesting Man" in the XX Dos Equis beer advertisements, he tells his life story and it's pretty interesting even though a little X rated, fun read if you want to be entertained and learn about Hollywood in its heyday. Friends and colleagues have compared me to the World's Most Interesting Man in terms of both looks and my stories, so I thought I'd better read his book, haha.
Lifespan by Dr. David Sinclair, did you know that "Old Age" is a disease according to the World Health Organization? Do you want to live a lot longer and be of sound body and mind without succumbing to; heart disease, diabetes, cancer, brain disease etc. A very technical and scientific read on where we came from at a molecular level, over millions years from a single celled organism to who we are today. Eat less, take specific vitamins and supplements to reduce free radicals in our bodies to set ourselves up for success.
The Wim Hof Method, by Wim Hof, known as the "IceMan" you'll learn how to breathe, take cold showers, control your body and overcome many things you thought impossible through conditioning your mind and body to achieve amazing feats, plus live longer, grow healthier and avoid disease.
Grow a New Body by Alberto Villoldo, transform your health, your body and mind through the power of plant nutrients and spiritual well being (I'm still reading)
7 Habits of Highly Effective People, foundational book for communicating with others, seeking first to understand, active listening, asking great questions and focusing on the Important vs the Urgent
Great Leaders Live Like Drug Addicts by Michael Broady-Waite, like drug addicts and alcoholics many entrepreneurs do not know how to say "No" and hide behind their mask. Wanna gain 500 hours a year for you and your team, learn how to say No more often
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, originally published in 1936, most successful business people attribute their success to reading this book early in their career. Foundational principles for communication and respecting others to not only get what you want but to get it in such a way that people still like you. Develop win-win scenarios.
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, originally published in 1937 most of the principles in this book remain the same today. There really is no substitute for hard work and perseverance, however it requires a clear vision of what you want to achieve in life. The power of positive thinking and much more.
The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier, creates a coaching habit within your life and organization in order to become a better leader. Simple practical tools and techniques. Speak less, ask more questions and change the way you lead.
The First 90 Days, by Michael D. Watkins, if you've ever been in an organization going through or about to go through an ownership transition or acquisition and you are in a leadership role, this book is a must read before you start the process.
Nervous To Nailed It by Suzannah Baum, great book on becoming comfortable giving presentations and becoming a professional speaker. You'll learn all the tricks, tips and tactics to deliver an engaging message and be invited back to speak again. Tech Trends in Practice by Bernard Marr, does a deep dive in 19 emerging trends in technology that will radically change the world we live within the next 25 years (I'm still reading)
When reviewing my One Page Plan and Goals for 2022, I can confidently say that I have achieved almost everything I set out to achieve, by challenging myself to be a lifelong learner and share my knowledge with others. My Values are; Family, Adventure, Risk Taking, Growth and Integrity. My Why, is to "Help Leaders Climb Mountains".
Personal Goals - Visiting 3 new countries with Melissa: Ireland, Wales and Iceland, plus England and Scotland.
Health & Wellness - Going on multiple adventures with my boys, regular dinners with family and friends, climbed another 15 peaks, rode several thousand km's, worked out 3 times/week.
Business - Blogged every month, launched a new Emerging Leaders Group, my book - "TAOSI - The Art Of Sending It" to be published next year is now 75% complete.
To Celebrate my Successes this year and upon achieving my Goals (and for turning 60) I'm treating myself and my family to a ski vacation in Chamonix, France in January with my entire family from Australia.

With my mum and brothers in Oz, shortly before my mum passed.
I look forward to hearing back from each of you about what you achieved this year, and how you plan to celebrate your Success.
Stay tuned for my new "One Page Plan for 2023" which will be rolling out shortly, let the creative juices flow and start thinking about the next steps you need to take to live your "Ideal Life", the life you've always dreamed of.